Agarwala S.: Melanoma, Translational Research and Emerging Therapies: TMS 2008, 320 pp
Argenziano, Soyer, De Gironi, Piccolo e altri: Interactive Atlas of Dermoscopy (book and CDROM)
Balch C.M.: Cutaneus Melanoma; Quality Medical Pub; 2009: In this updated edition of a widely-used textbook on the subject, Blach (surgery, oncology, and dermatology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore) and co-editors from the US and Australia introduce 44 chapters by international specialists who provide historical, epidemiological, preventive, clinical, pathological, and genetic perspectives on the growing incidence of this potentially deadly skin cancer. Topics addressed include: risk factors, models to predict outcomes, biopsy techniques, melanoma in children and pregnant women, and the latest therapies and recommendations for management of localized, regional, and metastatic disease. This comprehensive volume includes case examples, color illustrations, and extensive prognostic and survival data assembled from major cancer centers and groups with melanoma databases–also used by the American Joint Committee Cancer to validate the new melanoma staging system
Barnhill R.L.: Pathology of Malignant Melanoma; Springer; 2004; 193 pp
Bilchik A.: Melanoma, an issue of surgical oncology clinics, 2006, W.b. Saunders Company,
Braun R.P.: Atlas de Dermatoscopie, Masson 2007
Costanzi J. J., Costanzi G.: Clinical Management Of Malignant Melanoma, Springer 2007
De Bins A.: Induction and Analysis of Antigen-specific T cell Responses In Melanoma Patients and Animal Models: Amsterdam Univ Pr. 2007
De Giorgi V., Aricò M., Lotti T.:Il melanoma. Prevenzione, diagnosi e terapia; Folini; 2008
Dzwierzynski W.: Cutaneous Melanoma, 2009, W B Saunders Co / Elsevier Science Health Science div, 183 pp
Fabrizi G., Massi G; Nevi e Melanomi nei Bambini; Elsevier; 2005
Fisher D.E.: Advances in melanoma: an issue of hematology – oncology clinics; Saunders, 2009, 260 pp