It was developed in 1975 by Harvard Medical School dermatologist Thomas Fitzpatrick, classification depends on the amount of melanin pigment and on skin tolerance of sunlight
Type I: white skin, red or blond hair, blue eyes, freckles, always burns and doesn’t tan
Type II: fair skin, red or blond hair, blue/brown/green eyes, burns usually, tans poorly
Type III: darker white skin, eyes and hairs of any color, sometimes burns, tans gradually
Type IV: light brown skin, Mediterranean Caucasian skin, burns rarely, tans easily
Type V: dark brown skin, (East Asia), burns very rarely and tans darkly easily
Type VI: black skin, never burns and tans darkly
Determine your Fitzpatrick Skin Type
Website by: Dott Angelotti Nicola, Dermatology: Italy, Massa Piazza 4 Novembre 12, tel 0585790609